Stem Cells in Osteoarthritis Treatment from Science Direct
Stem Cells in Osteoarthritis Treatment from Science Direct Read More »
In this 2015 article, Korean scientists were able to demonstrate the effectiveness of stem cell therapy on a rabbit with 10 rotator cuff tendon tears. Remarkably, 7 of the 10 tears partially healed, providing the rabbit significant mobility improvement. This study demonstrates a possibility that individuals who suffer from shoulder pain may be good candidates
Regeneration of Rotator Cuff Tendon Tear from Stem Cells Journals Read More »
This may sound like a funny statement because we would hope everyone would value their health over everything else but every day, we see people who have prioritized other aspects of life above health.
What is Your Health Worth to You? Read More »
Common Symptoms This condition can begin with an injury or occur over a course of time just from everyday life. When cartilage begins to degenerate, the body is unable to regenerate that tissue which is where Regenerative Medicine contributes to repairing and restoring the damaged tissue. With our advanced techniques, we can naturally assist the
Common Symptoms Back pain can start when lifting a heavy object, moving suddenly, sitting in one position for too long, or after an injury. Acute lower back pain is most often caused by a sudden injury to the muscles, ligaments, bones, and nerves in the spine. (Medline Plus 2010) What it Feels Like Tingling or
Common Symptoms Early arthritis can be recognized as stiffness in the hands and feet when walking or moving. The pain can be dull, and it may be hard to pinpoint to a specific area. It can lead to redness, inflammation, and swelling of joints. Muscle weakness can lead to difficulty with balance and movement. What
Common Symptoms Symptoms will gradually become noticeable, then intensify and worsen over time. Usually, one side or the other of the body is affected, not both. As the symptoms progress, if not treated, they can become intensely painful, and if the injury to the nerve is serious enough, it may kill the nerve, or make
Common Symptoms Pain from a bulged disk is similar to that of a herniated disc. Pain is more noticeable when you’re active, and seems to get better when you’re resting. Coughing, sneezing, sitting, driving and bending forward may make the pain worse. The pain gets worse because these movements put more pressure on the nerve.
Common Symptoms Pain from a herniated disk will be more noticeable when you’re active, and seems to get better when you’re resting. Coughing, sneezing, sitting, driving and bending forward may make the pain worse. The pain gets worse because these movements put more pressure on the nerve. The location of the pain depends on which
Common Symptoms Following surgery, you may find that there are other pains developing that were not there before; or that the pain you were seeking to get rid of has returned. Some patients also experience an increasing dependence on, and sometimes even an addiction to, painkilling drugs as they try to cope with the disorder